🎒Understanding the LLM Component

The LLM Component processes the data accessed by this component based on the provided prompt, producing the output in the format required for use by the subsequent components in the AI flow.

🚀 Key Features

📘 How to Use an LLM Component

Configuration Steps

  1. Add a New Component: Choose "LLM" as the component type and assign it a descriptive name that accurately reflects its intended task.
  2. Configure the Component: Click on the component to access its configuration settings.


  1. Write Prompt: Here you specify the data for LLM processing, your desired actions with that data, and the required output format.

    <aside> ❗

    The prompt should follow the syntax of the Jinja2 template engine. For more information on Jinja2 usage, visit: Jinja2 Documentation.


    Example Jinja2 Syntax Prompt:

    Your task is to summarize the following text:
    Text: {{ text_data }}

    In this example:

  2. Define the Output Schema

Component Input

Component Output