
🧩 What Are Self-Improving Components?

At the core of Creao AI are self-improving components—modules that continuously enhance and refine their performance based on the data they encounter. These components are the essential building blocks of your AI flows, each designed for a specific domain task.

⭐ Core Components

Currently, Creao AI supports the following core components, each with its own functionality:

🏖️ Creating Components in the Creao Sandbox

To start building with these components:

  1. Navigate to the Sandbox: In the Creao dashboard, click on "Sandbox" in the navigation bar.


  2. Add Components: Choose the components you want to include in your pipeline by using the “Add New Component” button. The input_data component is added by default.


    You can assign a meaningful name to the component node that clearly reflects its task or purpose.


  3. Customize: Configure each component by clicking on its block and filling out the fields according to your specific use case.


  4. Connect Components: Arrange the components in the desired order and then click and drag to connect them, forming your pipeline.


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